I am very pleased to say that with the end of the summer now confirmed by the barometric pressure, Boatropes is seeing an influx of people renewing there mooring lines and associated equipment.
Mooring lines should now be a priority
I am very pleased to say that with the end of the summer now confirmed by the barometric pressure, Boatropes is seeing an influx of people renewing there mooring lines and associated equipment.
The weather is changing and although we love to sell new ropes we also think you should be prepared. Whilst it is a requirement to have mooring ropes exposed to the elements the running rigging aboard yachts does not need to be subjected to elevated levels of exposure. We always suggest to customers if possible to add a Flemish eye so that you can attach mouse lines easily and remove the running rigging for the winter months. The long exposure to wind, rain and UV during the winter months is as detrimental to your running rigging as the sailing season, if not more so.Spend a day organizing, washing and stowing as this will more than double the life of your cordage.
The Boatropes Crew