Boating Business | Bainbridge Marine product round up

BAINBRIDGE MARINE PRODUCT ROUND UPHOMEXPORT BBDISTRIBUTOR’S ROUND-UPBAINBRIDGE MARINE PRODUCT ROUND UPThe Albin Pump Marine manual compact toilet, now distributed by Bainbridge Photo: BainbridgeINDUSTRY DATABASEBAINBRIDGE MARINEDuring 2019 Bainbridge signed new technical partnerships, overhauled its blocks and rigging offering and collaborated with a marine pump solutions brand.Morbern Europe joined Bainbridge’s offerings in March when the distributor took on the company’s range of marine cover fabrics.Carine Equeter, Morbern Europe‘s sales and marketing director, said at the time that the company’s fabrics fitted in with Bainbridge’s high performance offering. “Their e-shop, trade counter and dedicated sales team are real assets for manufacturers such as Morbern, looking to grow their brand and market share in the UK and beyond,” she said.Technical partnershipsIn June, Bainbridge entered into partnership with Kingfisher Yacht Ropes, a move described at the time by Bainbridge’s MD, Andrew Smith, as an ‘opportunity to offer both breadth of choice and quality of product’.Another technical partnership saw Bainbridge join forces with Rock Oil to launch a revitalised marine product range of a basic grease through to a high specification race lubricant. Both Kingfisher and Rock Oil can now be purchased via Bainbridge, with full ranges offered.Blocks and riggingGermany-based Sprenger has also joined the Bainbridge product family, helping to expand the distributor’s range of entry level products.Bainbridge has also launched a range of tenders under the AquaMarine brand which it acquired in 2011 and entered into collaboration with Albin Pump Marine that sees Bainbridge offering the full product range including a manual compact toilet.

via Boating Business | Bainbridge Marine product round up.

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