Anchor drag risk is minimised | News | Boating Business

EVENTS & SHOWS Anchor drag risk is minimised 25/05/2023 Save article AnchorGuardian uses new patented technology to minimise the risk of anchor drag. Sensors are used to provide intelligent data throughout the anchoring procedure, providing a continuous stream of information to a captain and crew. “The technology is entirely new and provides a smarter way, a safer way we can anchor,” explained Suzy Chisholm, head of company communications and co-founder. “We’re providing a wealth of information to a captain and crew, intelligence they didn’t have before; laying the anchor, at anchor and lifting. “We’re able to give all the information, what sediment there is, how far the anchor is from the seabed, when the anchor has hit the seabed, how its lying on the seabed. “Our ultimate goal is to bring safety to anchoring.” And if the anchor does start to drag, information is provided on how fast it’s moving, with data visible on an electronic chart, providing predictions and triggering alarms, minimising the risk of groundings, collisions and environmental damage with the anchor ripping up the seabed. The technology operates independently of a GPS and any movement of a ship. “How to reduce the impact of an anchor on the seabed is a huge issue,” added Suzy. “Anchors do get dragged, and we want to minimise that as much as possible. “It’s another tool in the crew’s arsenal.” AnchorGuardian has been certified by the leading class societies including Lloyds and RINA. The product will be in the Innovation showcase at Seawork and available to see with UK distributor, Atlantis Marine Power on stand P12. Topics AnchorAnchor dragCertificationenvironmentEnvironment & Sustainabilityintelligent datapatents

Source: Anchor drag risk is minimised | News | Boating Business

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